Onblogspot News: No Matter who Wins, United States will Provoke a War

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

No Matter who Wins, United States will Provoke a War

The recent Hillary Clinton pneumonia, can become political end and in the final turn to finish giving the victory to Donald Trump this November.
For weeks, the media Trump supporters, have been warning about the poor health of Clinton, while related to it, means trying to categorize these statements as "conspiracy theories" nonsense.
Well, definitely it confirmed the poor health of Hillary Clinton. So far its fading during the commemoration of 11-S has been attributed to pneumonia, but by now no one can guarantee that this is true and that his health is much more precarious, or even suffer a serious illness or terminal.
The point is that even some members of the Democratic Party might be thinking of replacing it before the elections and all this leads directly to the conclusion that their chances of alzanzar the US presidency, are seriously depleted.
And that brings us head to start thinking about Trump as a possible US president.
Donald Trump mocks
And although many insist on self-deception and to think otherwise, the prospects for a possible victory Trump, are not exactly flattering ...
In recent months, especially in many alternative means drinking from certain ideological sources (say that rights, among which Infowars, where they seem to have gone mad in their propaganda task), to us has been selling the image of a Donald Trump allegedly contrary to American establishment, a man almost touched by the hand of God, who spoke with the voice of the people and who allegedly wanted to end the US military interventionism abroad; in contrast, we are featuring a Hillary Clinton who embodied all the evils of the hawks in Washington, a kind of beast with seven heads that would take the world to the brink of war and apocalypse.
We will not be just us who contradigamos that vision about Hillary Clinton: the facts show that the worst fears about it are more than justified, especially at the prospect of a war with Russia.
However, what is not at all justified, is the almost idyllic vision that some people have about Donald Trump.
Donald Trump Saintly
And the gestures being made in recent weeks indicate clearly that Trump not only not the US military interventionism abroad is limited, but perhaps under its mandate, the US interventionism can increase dramatically.
In fact, mental imbalances Trump, which are evident every time he opens his immense and irrepressible big mouth, remind us in some way to the unthinking invectives Rodrigo Duterte, the "insultador" Philippine president and promoter of extrajudicial killings of drug dealers ( we're not in favor of drug traffickers, but promoting such actions, promotes that you can kill anyone and then you can say it was a drug dealer, you understand the implications of which have morons like Duterte for the world?)
Rodrigo Duterte
But beyond outbursts Trump and his lack of respect for all kinds of groups, which have much to do with the TV show and satisfy a fleecy masses and raging they want to be told what they want to hear, really Trump disturbing is the shift that is experiencing gradually becoming more and more a reflection of everything that both Hillary Clinton feared.
One of the worst signs, we have had this past weekend, when he made a hint that despite seem irrelevant, actually marks the beginning of a process that can not be reversed.
On Friday, in Pensacola, Florida, Donald Trump hinted at the possibility of attacking Iran and create an international incident.
"With Iran, when they turn to our beautiful destroyers with their small boats and make gestures to our people that they should not be allowed to do, should be thrown out of the water ," Trump said.
Trump Act of War
This observation is in response to an incident last month when Iranian patrol boats to the US ships came in the Persian Gulf.
This comment, which caused a thunderous ovation from those attending the rally in Pensacola, contradicts the message that so far we had been selling, when he said he had a "non-interventionist approach to world affairs," referring to politics outside US.
Trump observing in Florida is a proof of his decision to embrace the neo-conservative agenda. As your position moves increasingly away from the non-intervention, the neoconservatives are turning to protect and support.
For example, a few days ago, the great father of the neo-conservative movement, Norman Podhoretz, said publicly that supported Trump.
Now it will say that Trump said that as a patriotic gesture to be liked by the masses, and to attract allies, but really did not think at all.
But we must put this anti-Iranian threat in perspective. As we have repeated many times in this blog, Trump is the direct service of the interests of Israel.
Trump again Israel
And among the priority interests of Israel, is the end the Iranian nuclear program and subdue and weaken Iran, an enemy of Israel exacerbated before it becomes the main power in the region.
For that reason, this first invective against Iran, marks a very dangerous milestone for the future.
Many people feared that a victory for Clinton carried attack Iran ... and is now Trump begins to walk in that direction.
Add to this the announcement of Trump, through which promises to increase US military spending when president.
This is as we explained in The Microlector:
Donald Trump is trying to put an end to cuts in military spending and allocate more funds to more than 600 billion dollars US military budget.
Trump propose a "big investment" in the US Army, which has referred on several occasions as a "disaster" in his statements.
"I'm going to reinvest in our armed forces , " Trump said in a speech at a rally in Greenville, North Carolina.
Trump Millitary
But Trump said much more:
"I will ask Congress to completely eliminate budgetary ceilings for defense , " Trump said, explaining that this would give the Department of Defense certainty on funding and allow better planning for the future.
"Without defense, we have a country , " said Trump.
The Republican candidate presented his plans to increase staff in active-duty US Army to 540,000 soldiers, adding 13 battalions to the Marines of the United States and expand the US Navy of 276 ships and submarines, to 350.
He also pledged to ensure that the US Air Force would at least 1,200 combat aircraft, the minimum necessary for its continuous according to the conservative Heritage Foundation missions.
"We will also try to develop a state of the missile defense system last generation , " Trump said.
Donald Trump at War
That effort would involve buying new destroyers capable of performing missile defense, as well as the modernization of the aging fleet of Aegis cruisers Navy, at a cost of 220 million dollars each. This, said the magnate, would result in more jobs for Americans. Military modernization would be a "50 - state effort"
Trump also promised to improve the defenses of cyberwar and even "a strong investment in offensive cyber capabilities"
"Our armed forces on active duty have decreased from 2 million in 1991 to about 1.3 million today , " Trump said in a speech in April speech.
Cath Trump
"The Navy has been reduced from more than 500 ships to 272 ships during this same time period. The Air Force is approximately one third lower than in 1991. There are pilots who fly B-52s in combat missions today. These aircraft are older than almost everyone in this room. "
In his campaign video posted on YouTube in January, Trump promised to "make our military army something so big, powerful and strong that no one will dare mess with us, absolutely nobody"
As we see clearly, all are non-interventionist proposals, not imperialist and non-Zionists own peace of a man faced with the "evil establishment" that will fight with all his strength.
Oh, what a man!
Trump crazy
For some reason we did not understand, among many alternative groups it has proliferated the absurd idea that Trump was something like a revolutionary of the people who fight against the evil designs of the NWO and that would end the US imperialists outbursts.
But the reality is that we have a billionaire, son of another billionaire, who has been enriched under establishment which is supposed to combat;that if that were not enough, he is a puppet of Israel, ready to support all its Zionist policy in the Middle East; a guy who is willing to re-arming to the teeth USA, under the slogan "Make America Great Again", to reopen the full extent of the Guantanamo prison and publicly supported the tactics of illegal CIA torture.
And on a personal level, we have a deeply racist, xenophobic, narcissistic, self-centered character, who thinks only of his own glory and that, to begin with, does not give a damn about the American citizens themselves, who undoubtedly send mass to death if it allowed some personal glory or be enrolled in the history books.
And to show a button ...
This is what Trump said in an interview, the morning of the attacks on the World Trade Center; probably he betrayed the subconscious, which helps us to do a portrait of his real personality ...
During a conversation with the television WWOR television that morning of the attacks, Trump said he had a window that looked directly at the World Trade Center and who had witnessed part of the fall of the twin towers.
He spoke of the explosion and destruction that followed.
So far so normal.
Twin Towers
The good came a few minutes after the telephone interview had begun, when the reporter asked about the Trump building which was just a few blocks away from the World Trade Center.
REPORTER: Donald, you have a building in the financial district, at 40 Wall Street. Have you suffered any damage? What happened there?
TRUMP: Well, it was an amazing phone call I did: my building at 40 Wall Street was the second tallest building in downtown Manhattan.
Actually it was ... before the towers of the World Trade Center was the tallest buildings and since they were built, my tower was known as the second highest and is now the highest and just talked to my people building and say ( the building) is the most amazing view. It's probably seven or eight blocks from the World Trade Center, yet Wall Street is covered by two feet of rubble, bricks, mortar and steel.
That is, when Donald Trump asked about the 11-s, which killed about 3000 of his "dear fellow Americans , "Trump, the great patriot, unconsciously comes to my head say that after the fall of the WTC buildings, now yours will be the tallest in Manhattan.
Is this the moron that some people want to see as the alternative to the New World Order?
Is it that we have become crazy?
The big problem is that for some time, to the masses dominates by a very simple manipulation technique: face contrary to legitimate positions.
So, if you want to legitimize a political A, for certain people to vote or follow, must face a political B generating a strong rejection among the people you want to attract.
Then people will not support the political A by what he says or what it promises, but as a means not win the political B who both hate.
This we have seen in elections in Spain, where many people "to vote against" and we see in the US, where Trump is legitimated among all those people who hates Clinton and all it represents.
And that hatred of Clinton and the federal government (and all the old political class) blinds them and prevents them from seeing what actually represents Trump ... turning us all into a mass of sheep to the slaughter.
Please, if there is any reader who believes that Trump is really an alternative to those evil powers seeking to establish the New World Order, do not hesitate to expose it in the comments, to convince us of it, because we really do not understand .
For now, we continue in terror that causes see how the masses can manipulate any kind from a pulpit, you go dropping any cobblers ...
Has anyone seen this movie?
Has anyone seen this movie?

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