Onblogspot News: Millionaires Fleeing Cities like Chicago fearing CIVIL UNREST

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Millionaires Fleeing Cities like Chicago fearing CIVIL UNREST

According holding a report by the research firm New World Wealth, increasingly Chicago millionaires leave due to concerns about racial tensions and rising crime rates.
The New World Wealth data are used by luxury goods companies, private banks and real estate professionals.
"About 3,000 individuals with net assets of $ 1 million or more, excluding their primary residence, left the city of Chicago last year, citing as justification the increased racial tensions and concerns about rising crime" , reports the Chicago Tribune.
chicago capture
Chicago ranks third in the list of cities that have experienced an exodus of millionaires, behind Paris and Rome.
The French capital lost a whopping 7,000 millionaires (6%) in the last year, while Roma lost 5,000 (7%).
The fourth city that experienced this march of millionaires after Chicago, is Athens.
However, other cities experiencing a net inflow of millionaires in the US, are Seattle and San Francisco.
In the New World Wealth report, the country with the largest net outflow of millionaires was France, with 10,000. It was followed by China, Italy, India and Greece.
Countries with higher net inflows of millionaires were Australia, United States, Canada, Israel, United Arab Emirates and New Zealand.
The unstoppable rise in inequality in the distribution of wealth is causing these movements in many parts of the world.
In particular, in the US, is taking the rise of protest movements as "Black Lives Matter", which combined with the racial opposition by white supremacist groups, they are creating an explosive cocktail in the US that can lead to social disorder in any time, especially if the economic situation worsens.
For months it is also reported that wealthy elites are installing panic rooms in their big city apartments because of fears about crime or possible social unrest that could result in riots and attacks against them.
"The world is a place that causes a lot of fear at this time, especially for people with many resources; they feel cornered and threatened , "said Tom Gaffney, president of Gaffco Ballistics The New York Times, a company that installs safe rooms in the city of New York.
Fearing a possible global turmoil and the possibility that explode any major conflict, many wealthy people have also been buying properties in distant places like New Zealand, as stated during the course of the World Economic Forum in Davos last year.
In fact, a former hedge fund manager Robert Johnson, direct contact with someone with very rich people, said in the very World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that "powerful people say being scared" and surprised his audience when he revealed that he knows that "hedge fund managers around the world are buying properties with airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand."
Robert Johnson
In another interview, he admitted that "very powerful people tell us they are afraid" and that the elite "sees increasing evidence of social instability and violence."
His comments were backed by Stewart Wallis, executive director of the New Economics Foundation, he told CNBC Africa "have airstrips in places like New Zealand and all that kind of stuff, whatever in order to escape. Many of them, if they could, would go to another planet "-
According to sellers of land and real estate involved in the sale of goods at a distance, some people among the economic elites are worried about "what is happening around him" and would be looking for stable areas in some parts of the world both to live there to store their wealth due to its increasing "paranoia" about the precarious world situation.
All this information would come in tune with the feeling that denounced the billionaire Nick Hauer 


Possibly, news like this from which we echo, are somewhat exaggerated and somewhat sensationalist.
We do not believe that millionaires are so afraid, much less, basically because they have nothing to fear.
In many countries have abused the population to intolerable levels and the general reaction of this population used to always be the same: messages of outrage on Twitter, memes or bitter jokes about the matter, vote for the political leader who promises "that it will end "as the pressure grows, innocuous manifestations pancartita and very colorfully and in extreme cases, clashes between the population itself by ideological or racial grounds and street furniture burn the people themselves pay their taxes.
That is, generally, when social tension increases, people lose energy in stupid maneuvers that lead nowhere and just fighting each other instead of uniting against the most powerful.
And in any case, millionaires have nothing to fear: the army and the police are there to protect them from the wrath of all those "angry poor" precisely pay for their salaries to repress them ...

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